Soft launched! +Recent updates

I'm starting to invite a small set of people to try the app, but one of the key features still remains (Shot Specialties). Still, a couple updates were made over the weekend:

  1. An "All Discs" link was added under Bags right above "Unbagged." This is all some players might need, but it's also handy for players with a bunch of discs.
  2. Bags can now be sorted. Just click the vertical "..." next to a bag and click "Move Up" or "Move Down"

I'm starting to dig into shot specialties and will share progress once something useable is ready.

If you're reading this, thank you for trying out the app so early on!

Pre-pre release

We've been working on a bag building tool that adds some flaire and new features to what's available elsewhere. There's a bunch left to do, but steady progress is being made. Once we hit a good V1 stopping point, we'll turn our attention to another area of disc golf software that's highly underserved. It's related to form progression, but more on that later.

Changelog entries will be few and far between until we hit V1 and actually tell someone about this.

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